The Story

Several years ago, Matt Williams was at a Christian owned barbershop engaging in the conversations that arise in barbershops. Being that a lot of the patrons were also Christians, faith based topics often came up. This particular time a discussion about the power of words and the tongue happened and Matt noticed one particular person was wearing a shirt by Affliction and what the words that person was wearing say. In the following weeks Matt noticed more and more Christians wearing brands that spoke death over the wearer. Looking close at these brands Matt noticed they were high quality products and design. This inspired Matt to provide life affirming quality apparel.

As Matt explored starting In His Image he noticed there was not a complete Christian apparel brand. There are several t-shirt brands but they rarely offer pants, jeans, jackets, coats and etc. In His Image is designed to be a lifestyle brand that grows from offering t-shirts to a full apparel offering.

Matt views In His Image as an avenue to give generously and partner with other Christians by them purchasing In His Image products. Visit our Causes page to learn more.

Matt is also a speaker and is available to speak at your church, conference or event.

Here you can listen to some of his messages: